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The purpose of prescription weight loss medications is to treat obesity. Being obese can lead to very serious health risks. Individuals who are obese are at a greater risk for developing heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. If you are seriously obese your doctor may work with you to develop a weight loss plan. This play may include prescription weight loss drugs. Clinical trials have shown that weight loss pills alone do not result in long-term weight loss. Weight loss medicines should be used along with physical activity and a better diet.

Over the counter weight loss pills are also available. The FDA does not regulate these pills. Therefore, the doses recommended and the ingredients making up the pills may not be safe. Be especially careful if a weight loss pill contains herbal ingredients. For example, pills containing Ephedra have been proven to be potentially dangerous, There have been hundreds of cases of heart attacks, strokes and seizures associated with these weight loss supplements. Use caution when taking any over the counter drug medications and consult your physician first.

If you are considering using any type of weight loss drugs, you need to consult your doctor. They can provide you with your weight loss options. Physicians may guide you through a weight loss plan that will not include medication. This may be especially true if you do not need to lose a lot of weight and are only slightly over weight. If you are going to use weight loss pills, your physician can tell you what side effects there are and what the dangers may be. By consulting with you physician, you can make a more informed choice about your weight loss plan. If you include health care professions in your weight loss decision you are able to come up with a weight loss program that is safe and more likely to be effective. They can provide you with guidance on what foods you should eat and how many calories per day. If you are prescribed weight loss medications, your doctor can monitor your progress.

It is important to realize that weight loss pills are not a miracle solution. You will not lose 10 pounds in a week. If you do lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, it is not safe and you will be likely to gain the weight back. In fact, if you lose several pounds in the first week, you are probably just losing water weight. In order to lose weight and keep it off you must make healthy changes to your diet and add an exercise program to your weight loss plan. Many of the weight loss pills themselves will provide information explaining that the pills alone will not be effective in maintaining the any weight you may lose.

When combined with diet and exercise prescription weight loss drugs are effective. The doctor can carefully guide you through your weight loss program, using the weight loss medication as only a fraction of the plan. Over the counter weight loss pills, on the other hand, are not usually very effective. There are not regulations for these pills. Many people take these pills without consulting with a doctor who can help you to plan a well-rounded weight loss program.

Anyone who wants to lose weight should use caution if buying over the counter drugs. They can be unsafe and are not usually very effective. If you need or want to lose weight, you should consult your physician. After consulting your doctor, they may provide you with a prescription for weight loss medication. This medicine will be more effective than non-prescription weight loss pills and the medicine is regulated. Lifestyle and diet changes must be made and maintain in order for people to lose weight and keep it off.

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